Saturday 17 November 2007


Mrs Malaprop, as she is constantly reminding us, is a respectable woman. Now the Beadle has at long last plucked up the courage to make her an honest one. Their wedding will take place shortly before Christmas, to chime in with the Festive Season. Anticant will give the bride away, and Ben Trovato will be best man.

Dame Barbara is offering a seasonal prize - a magnum of champagne - for the best verses in celebration of this happy event, when there will be much wassailing in the Burrow. Wooffie is already choosing his new necklace to wear on this occasion, and LavenderBlue is busy with a portrait of the bride who has promised that on this unique occasion she will exchange her usual Jaeger stockings for sheen silk ones.


zola a social thing said...

LevenderBlue busy with a portrait of the bride.
Now, now.
Virtual sex is .... ok ... it is ok
Forget I said that.

Anonymous said...

Is there a bicycle involved?

Anonymous said...

I am a respectable woman, and I shall soon be an honest one.